After receiving an academic grant three years prior, I told my self that Failure was not an Option. I saw this as a chance to improve my future through a high-quality education. I was unsure if I should go to the United States or my home country. The decision was difficult and involved a great deal of research. It was exciting, but I was afraid to try something new. Fear and deep thought were causing me pain and preventing me from sleeping. The fear of failing is one of the biggest obstacles that hold people back from learning and experiencing new things. But it’s important to use every opportunity to overcome this obsticale and be creative and successful. The fear of being in a foreign land, combined with the uncertainty, made me feel nauseous.

I am from a diverse country with many different cultures and traditions. It will make me homesick and depressed. In addition, I did not speak English as my native language, whereas the language of the country where I moved to was English. In order to adjust to the language, I needed to improve my fluency. As a child, I was raised in a loving home. This was my greatest fear. When I moved to the country, it was just me and the scholarship recipient. The stress was especially intense during the first few months. It wrecked my mental and emotional health because I missed family and friends. At that time, it was very difficult to adapt to a new environment. In spite of this, I also had to deal with the fear that I would fail, as I was there for academic reasons. My fear was that I’d fail my studies and lose my scholarship, which would make me go back home to disappoint my parents.

In spite of all the challenges I had to face, I was able to adapt and get along with everyone. The first thing I did was research anxiety symptoms as this was the likely cause of my panicking. I realized that my reactions and experiences were normal for someone who was just moving to a new place. I spoke with other students who had come from different countries and were on scholarship. They shared my feelings and challenges, and some of them were going through the same thing as me. This made me feel better and less alone. Socializing with students from other countries made me feel more comfortable, as we all faced similar challenges. In addition, I found that a higher education helped me to be more persistent and give myself the time necessary to become familiar with my new environment. It was a better education that meant a brighter tomorrow for me, and this motivated me to look beyond my obstacles. It was an opportunity to learn something new, which was in itself a rare experience. I met new people from different cultures, backgrounds, and countries. This gave me a new perspective on the world. I gained a new perspective on the world’s diversity and learned how people interact. It was a turning point in my life, which changed my perception and attitude towards being in a new place.

I made a resolution to adapt and learn new habits. Socialization was often described as a key part of adapting in a new system. A key part of my strategy was to learn about the cultures of those I met. I wanted to be open to differences in my life and those around me. This was a great opportunity to learn more about the world. As a way to overcome my fears, I developed myself by adapting my routine in accordance with the changes. In addition to living alone, this gave me the chance to learn about myself. I could also discover my weaknesses and strengths. My socialization skills also improved as I realized that human relationships are crucial to a comfortable stay abroad.

In the process, I met many new people who have helped me immensely to date. It was also important to learn time management, as I could balance my studies with other obligations. I did not want to become an introvert so I spent time with people. After a successful end to my academic endeavors, I’ve enjoyed a pleasant stay.


  • myawright

    I'm a 33-year-old educational blogger and volunteer. I'm passionate about helping others learn and grow, and I love sharing my knowledge and experiences with others. I'm also a big fan of making the world a little bit better one step at a time.