Top Essay Topics about Mental Health

– Usual Mental Health Concerns
Because it has a major impact on the general health and well-being of an individual, mental health is important.

– Mental Health, Mental Illness, Risk, & Resilience
There are many concepts that have been developed to help people understand mental illness and mental health.

– Mental Health History: The Early Beliefs of Mental Health
Over the centuries, theories about mental health have evolved. Psychologists have examined many aspects of the human character in order to create a possible theory.

– Mental Health Policies Development
The social problem being investigated revolves around mental health. It is essential to implement policies that support good mental well-being.

– Mental Health: General Hospital Psychiatry
This paper will examine the activities that take place at psychiatric hospital. Psychiatric hospitals are crucial in treating a variety mental illnesses.

Psychiatric Mental Healthcare Nursing
This paper is a journal based in part on the 5th & 6th chapters of Foundations of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, A Clinical Approach by Elizabeth M. Varcarolis.

– Mental health services: public spending and usage
Research has shown a correlation between public spending on mental healthcare services and state perceptions and residents’ use of these services.

– Affordable Care Act, Mental Health Illness
The Affordable Care Act’s 2010 enactment was a positive development in reducing substance abuse and mental illness in the United States.

Obamacare: Substance abuse and mental health
Affordable Care Act (ACA), a law that allows people with mental disorders to receive better healthcare, was created. Certain payment reform was necessary for the new regulations to be implemented.

– Effective professional care for mental health problems
Stress and the pressures to achieve high-performance indicators can cause mental health issues for many employees. Mental health issues can also be caused by burnout.

– Mental Health and Faith Factor in Young People
Therapy is often justified by the need for faith to be able to reach out to patients emotionally.

– Mental Health Illness: Affordable Care Act 2010
This paper analyzes the implications of Affordable Care Act 2010 for substance abuse and mental health.

Postpartum Depression is a serious mental health problem
This research was done to determine if a two-step educational as well as behavioral intervention could be effective in reducing symptoms of postpartum Depression in young mothers.

Native Americans’ Mental Well-being
This paper will help you understand the needs of Native Americans regarding mental health and reduce incidents related thereto.

– Psychotherapy, Mental Health Biases and Psychotherapy
This paper reveals the truth about psychotherapy and mental illness. It exposes the biases that drive people to avoid seeking help and fuels their prejudices.

– Mindfulness based music therapy and mental health
Lesiuk focuses on specific mental health issues of women who have had chemotherapy for breast cancer.

Lauren Book – Perinatal Mental Health Bill
The Perinatal Mental Health Act addresses the issue regarding patient education related to mental and postpartum health.

– 2020 Health and Mental Rates
It is possible to summarize the indicators and discuss data sources in order to understand why the country has not made progress on mental health.

– Mental health and domestic violence in Bangladesh
Ziaei et al. are reviewed in the paper. “Experiencing lifetime domestic Violence: Associations With Mental Health and Stress among Rural Bangladeshi Pregnant Women”

Gender Stereotypes’ Influence on Careers, Mental Health and Other Matters
This paper discusses women’s stereotypes and shows that they hinder women’s professional growth and expose them to domestic violence and mental illness.

– Mental health problems: Importance of physical activities
It is important that patients are evaluated and if outdoor activities should be discontinued.

– Mental health concerns for the older adult
The Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) consisted of five sections. Each section had its own meaning and importance.

– Mental health: Strategic Action Plan
The essay examines how the mental health of mentally ill persons and their families is affected, both economically and emotionally. It also examines how this affects society’s stability and productivity.

Fad Diets: The Dangers to Mental Health
The obesity epidemic in the USA is not under control. Therefore, there are still debates about how to create healthy diets.

– Mental health issues: Incarcerated Adults
This paper will discuss the development of interventions to help the mentally ill prisoners.

Good Mental Health Research Topics & Essay Examples

– Mental health of patients with medical complications
Patients suffering from medical comorbidities are often unable to communicate their concerns regarding mental health. This makes it more difficult for them to seek treatment.

– Intermountain Healthcare Mental Health Integration Model
Intermountain Healthcare Mental Health Integration is a great framework that human service professionals can use for ensuring care is delivered throughout life.

Stress and Mental Health
This paper examines the main effects of stress on health. This paper outlines stress and estimates its causes.

– War Veterans’ mental health as a social issue
This article addresses the issue of War Veterans returning to their homes without proper mental healthcare due to a dearth of professionals in the Armed Forces.

Epigenetics and the Effects of Its On Physical and Mental Health
This paper discusses two videos and a research article about epigenetics in order to better understand the phenomenon and its impact on individuals’ mental and physical health.

– Advocacy Strategy to Mental Health: Community Awareness
The current mental-health management policy emphasizes self care, but there is little emphasis on nurse education.

– Mental health needs of patients with coorbidities
Substance abuse disorder has many causes. When properly investigated, they can be a contributing factor to overall psychotherapeutic effects.

Pregnant women’s mental health problems
Women who are pregnant or postpartum may be at greater risk of mental illness.

– Affordable care Act and Mental Health coverage
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that millions of Americans still suffer from mental disorders and drug abuse.

– Military Veterans’ mental health needs
The study will focus on veterans with mental disorders that are the result of military service.

– The New Horizons Mental Health Facility for the Community
The Center will use the results to develop guidelines for depression management that will be applicable to all care providers.

– Guide for Psychotherapy Groups to Improve Mental Health
Group therapy employs specific methods and techniques to improve the mental health of patients.

An analysis of the effects of mobile phone usage on mental well-being.
This study examines an article about the psychological effects of mobile phone use and mental health in a group of potential young people.

– The challenges in veteran mental health care
There are many difficulties that veterans face when returning to civilian life.

– Workplace Wellbeing and Mental Health of Employees
To improve the engagement and recuperation of employees, managers can adjust the work environment.

– Mental Health Theories: Cognitivism Versus Behaviorism
Mental health theories are designed to help clients understand and manage their mental issues. One or more theories can be used by mental health professionals.

– Peplau’s Interpersonal Relations Theory for Mental Health Settings
Peplau’s theory addresses some of these core questions. It recognizes the patient’s body as an organism seeking to reduce anxiety.

– Adolescent Mental and Adolescent Relationships
“Effects early childhood peer relationships upon adolescent’s mental health” examines the relationship between early peer relationships and adolescent psychological adjustment.

– Strategic planning for public mental health services
Mental health is an important indicator of health that is included in the Healthy People 2020 National Plan. Individuals from diverse backgrounds can be affected by mental disorders.

Refugee Mental Health Problem
This essay is about refugees in mental health.

– Adolescent mental health: depression
This paper discusses depression and provides a background, diagnosis, treatment and plan for treatment.

Suicide is a Major Mental Health Challenge
The present paper recognizes suicide and urges nurses to consider it a serious mental problem.

– The role of a nurse in mental health
A nurse might consider specialization. It is the process of becoming an expert on a particular subject and expanding your knowledge and practicing.

– Police Brutality in Africa and Mental Health in the Americas
Researchers believe that young African Americans are more likely to experience blackness than they think.

– UK: Divorce and Child Mental Wellbeing
This project examines the mental health of children, and factors that could affect it. It focuses on divorce.

Hot Mental Health Ideas for Writers

– Ensuring children’s mental health
Many young patients experience traumatizing experiences, which can lead to mental health problems. This leads to future mental health problems.

What causes medication administration errors in a mental health hospital?
Patients with mental illness are a large patient group that deserves special attention from medical staff.

– Psychiatric Interview to Treat Mental Health
The psychiatric interviews are a valuable tool for diagnosing mental disorders in patients. Practitioners use them to discover what makes them feel bad.

– Patients experiencing homelessness: Mental health issues
While it is well-known that homelessness is associated with mental health, the link has not been fully explored in relation to certain populations.

Enhancing Access to Children’s Mental Health Services
This paper examines the potential for telehealth to increase rural access to mental healthcare services.

– Mental Health Association of Depression and Alzheimer’s for the Elderly
Depression may be an underlying cause of Alzheimer’s. Alzheimer’s can lead to depression in elderly people.

Bipolar Disorder Counseling
Cognitive and interpersonal methods can help with life problems such as demoralization and stigmatization. They also provide opportunities for peer learning.

– Capella University Mental Health Counseling Program
Modern mental health institutions look like asylums, but are designed to treat patients who are mentally ill or whose brains are not functioning properly.

– Preventing mental illness and improving mental health
Mental health can be defined as psychological well-being. It is the state of being mentally healthy.

Mental Health and Wellbeing in Society
While some cultures allow the use of euthanasia or PAS in medical settings, others prohibit it due to a variety of reasons that range from religious beliefs and cultural differences.

– The Mental Health Impact of Hurricane Katrina on the Populations
Tsunami and Hurricane Katrina were two examples of the need to develop specialized techniques for responding to crises.

– Mental health issues in people of different ages and origins
This paper shows that mental health problems are a serious problem in today’s world. Multiple disorders can affect people from different backgrounds and ages.

– Mental health conditions among military veterans
This research will examine whether symptoms are associated with military service and how they relate to individual experiences.

The relationship between social media and mental health
The research will clarify the role of social networks and raise the question as to whether their daily use can have a serious impact on mental well-being.

– National Institute of Mental Health Research Studies Report
The National Institute of Mental Health’s (NIMH) research data on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), has been reviewed and analysed. This revealed some interesting features.

– Linking Obamacare Policy and Substance Abuse to Mental Health
Obamacare, or The Affordable Care Act in short, is one prominent US health care policy. There have been years of disputes over its merits and drawbacks.

– Mental Stigma for Military Man & Civilians
This will aid me in my research about the stigma associated with mental disorder among civilians as well as military veterans.

– The impact of ageism on mental health and addiction
Ageism is a form of prejudice against people because they are older.
This discrimination manifests itself in the unjust treatment of elderly people.

Ethical Grounds in Nursing Youth Mental Health
Young adults with mental problems may find it difficult to switch between the adult and juvenile systems when they reach adulthood.

– Schools and Mental Health
Schools can be a good place to promote mental health, as they provide a solid foundation for such interventions.

– COVID-19. The Impact on the Mental Health
This study will examine the impact of COVID-19 on young women.

– Collaboration Nursing: Care by Mental Healthcare Professionals
This paper examines literature on collaborative care and focuses on critiquing research findings using the PICO format.

– Annotated bibliography: Social Media and Mental Health
This article discusses the connection between social media and mental health.

– COVID-19, Employees’ Mental Healthcare Relations
This paper examines how COVID-19 affects employees’ mental well-being. Psychological distress and depression are two of the topics that were examined.

Promoting Mental Wellness among Kids
An array of issues affecting everyone in the world are making mental disorders more prevalent.

Most interesting titles in mental health research

Social Media’s Impact on Mental Health
Facebook, email, Twitter and Instagram have all contributed to a revolution within communication, especially in schools.

Strategy to Improve Mental Health in Immigrants
There is a higher chance that migrants and their descendents will develop mental disorders than the rest of the population.

Ageism and Mental Health: How Does it Affect Addictions?
This essay demonstrates how prejudices against the elderly can have a negative impact on their mental health and their relationship to addiction.

– Mental health disparities among LGBT Community
LGBT people are more likely to commit suicide, have anxiety, abuse substances, or suffer from eating disorders. LGBT people are twice as likely to try suicide than other people.

– Social Media’s Influence on Mental Health
This paper examines the effects of social media on mental health, lifestyle, and potential benefits.

– Mental Health Care System Challenges and Gaps Analysis
Five important topics are being identified by US mental-health policymakers. The foremost priority is “financing or training the peer worker”.

– Social Media and Mental Health
It is not common for teenagers to be concerned about the effects of Internet networks on their psychological well-being.

– Mental health status in Juvenile Justice Settings
Wasserman and colleagues selected “Assessing Youths’ Mental Health Status in Juvenile Criminal Settings” as the research study.

Mental Illness in Former Military Personnel
Service personnel may have mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress syndromes.

– Adolescent mental health disorders: Treatment and prevention
Youth are more likely to abuse drugs than ever. Schools have made it easier for adolescents to access drugs like marijuana, alcohol and nicotine.

Online Learning and Students’ Health
Researchers are interested in studying the relationship between mental health and social interaction.

– Fleming & Martin, “Symptoms of Mental Health Professionals’
This paper criticizes Fleming & Martin’s research entitled: “A preliminary inquiry into the experience of psychosis symptoms in mental health… schizophrenia.’

– Mental health in the community
Goals are set by health care institutions to improve mental health. The two goals include reducing suicide rates and disordered eating in adolescents.

– Print and digital ads on mental health implications of social media
Individuals and societies are organizing awareness seminars to raise awareness about rising mental health concerns regarding social media obsession.

– Mental Health Nursing Social Insights for Schizophrenia Patients
This paper explores the psychosocial interventions that can be used to help patients suffering from schizophrenia. This paper explores the case of Geoff, an individual suffering from schizophrenia.

– Workplace bullying and its impact on people’s mental health
Workplace bullying is a very serious topic. This is due to many reasons.
– Strategic Measurement tools at West Alabama Mental Health
West Alabama Mental Health uses the economic value-added approach to evaluate the effectiveness and potential for health improvement.

– Mental health and the COVID-19 Pandemic
Psychosocial support and assessment of mental health problems are important prevention practices. This should be a focus on those who are most at risk for developing psychological problems.

– Promoting mental health: Making a teaching plan
The teaching plan aims to help patients understand their situation and develop self-esteem to be able to motivate themselves to improve their negative situation.

– The Correlation between Poverty & Mental Health
The articles provide a detailed analysis of the poverty and mental-health correlation scales and their current state.

– Florida Mental Health Act
This article examines the consequences of Florida Mental Health Act. This law allows for involuntary psychiatric evaluation and possibly detention.

– Affordable Care Act 2010: Mental Health Illness
The Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare, is the most comprehensive piece of healthcare legislation in history.

University Mental Health and ADHD
Although it is seldom brought up, the topic of mental health in university students has an impact on their ability to learn and their health.

– Malaysians’ Mental Wellbeing: The Effects of the Movement Control Order
This paper examines the effects of the movement order during COVID-19’s spread on the mental health and well-being of Malaysians.

– Mental Health and Physical Health: Causal Effects
The research problem of the authors concerns the relationship between mental health and physical health. More specifically, the negative effects that adverse health events can have on mental wellbeing.

Simple ideas for mental health essays

– Mental health diseases: Diagnostic assessment
Zev, a 45year-old male, is obsessed by performing certain rituals multiple times per day. This makes it possible to prevent bad things.

Critique of “Impact Of Racial/Ethnic Differences On Child Mental Health Care”
Author concludes article “Impact Of Racial/Ethnic Differences On Child Mental Health Care Care”. He provides solutions for many groups’ mental illnesses and treatment differences.

– Social Media: Its Impact on Mental Health
This paper examines how adolescents react to social media and whether they experience depression, anxiety or other mental health conditions.

Outdoor Therapy and Mental Health
There are many ways to improve your psychological health. One strategy to treat cerebral disorders is outdoor therapy.

– Web Evlauation-Website of the Internet Mental Health Organization
The Internet Mental Health Organization website was chosen. This website is for everyone in society. It aims to educate them about mental disorders.

Mass Imprisonment of Aboriginals for Mental Health
Australia’s Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islanders demonstrate how colonialism can lead to high incarceration rates.

– The Philosophies That Underpin Different Types Of Mental Health Practices
Psychodynamic therapy helps patients to understand their mental health. Cognitive-behavioral treatments aim to help patients understand their mental condition.

Study: The Effect of Leisure and Recreation On Mental Health
This paper focuses on the effects of recreational and leisure activities on mental health.

– Covid-19 Pandemic of Mental Health in the American Population
The US depression rate has tripled since the Covid-19 crisis. Many people lost their job, suffered severe social effects, and were separated from their families by the pandemic.

– Cognitive and Behavioral Mental Health Theories
Mental health approaches seek to explain human development socially, emotionally, and behaviorally.

– Common Mental Issues
This paper will explore common mental disorders, their causes and the available treatment strategies.

– Mental health challenges and stigmatization
Mental health is multifaceted and complex. The public needs to acknowledge these challenges and not stigmatize it.

– Prevention of Mental Health and Burnout in Nursing Training
Nursing burnout was a leading cause of poor quality care on cancer wards.

– Discussion on Community Mental Health
An assessment of young black Americans regarding their nicotine intakes.

– Mental health during the Pandemic: Research design, steps, and approach
The COVID-19 pandemic has had an adverse impact on the well-being and health of millions around the world. There have been measures to stop it spreading.

– Mental health Nursing Class: Anxiety Related Disorders
As one of the major mental health issues today, this class is dedicated to anxiety.

– Social Media Risks for Mental Health and Other Risks
This can lead to anxiety and depression as well as feelings of dissatisfaction.

– Social Stigma and Mental Health: What is it?
A person with a mental disorder is likely to feel stigmatized.

Ethics of Researching Mental Health Problems
While nurses conduct research, they must be able to accept the three-value structure made up of science, nursing, and the community.

Mental Health Issues for College Students
Although college students can face some issues with their mental health that are related to childhood traumas, there are some that are more appropriate for the adult period.

– Intervention for Mental Health in the Homeless
Current mental health care structures are not adequate to address homeless persons’ needs.

– Evolutionary Mismatch & Mental Health
Due to the evolutionary mismatch, current generations are at greater risk for developing mental illnesses due to their divergent lifestyles and cultural adaptations.

– Internet and Mental Health: The Impact
This paper aims to provide more information about the positive effects that Internet usage has on the psychology of humans in the Covid-19 era.

– Social Media’s Impact on Mental Health
This paper highlights the dangers associated with communication via social media. Everybody is welcome to learn more.

– Mental Health Well-Being Notion – How Does It Impact Education
It is essential to address issues related to wellness in order for modern societies to be understood and to have healthy and productive interactions with each other.

Questions about Mental Health Research
– Do Mental Health Treatments Infringe on Human Rights?
How do you define mental health?
What is the impact on our mental health?
– Does Simulated Nature support mental health?
What causes poor mental health?
Can system integration improve mental health outcomes for children and youth?
Is there a relationship between mental health and psychosocial job quality?
What Does Midlife Look Like?
How does mental health affect labor market outcomes?
– Why mental health is so important?
What are some warning signs of mental illness?
Prenatal Stress and Postnatal Resilience:
– At what age is mental health most affected?
– Does Australia provide adequate support for issues related to mental health?
Which European countries have the best mental health care?
– Does Europe have Mental Health Care?
– How can education better support the mental health and well-being of young people?
How does Sweden deal with mental health issues?
How does physical activity impact mental health?
Which country has the lowest number of mental health issues?
– How have COVID-19 isolation policies affected young people’s mental health?
– Is there a free mental health service in Sweden?
– Should mental health professionals serve as gatekeepers for physician-assisted suicide?
– What does personality mean in the context of mental health?
How does personality affect mental health?
Avatars can play a role in electronic mental health interventions.
– What are some examples of mental health issues?
What is the most common mental health issue?
What sets college throvers and divers apart in the context of mental health?
– When do mental health issues usually start?


  • myawright

    I'm a 33-year-old educational blogger and volunteer. I'm passionate about helping others learn and grow, and I love sharing my knowledge and experiences with others. I'm also a big fan of making the world a little bit better one step at a time.